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Financial Aid Opt Out Forms

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application (CADAA) determines a pupil’s eligibility for financial aid to assist with a pupil’s attendance at a college or career school. California Education Code (CEC) § 51225.7 requires a local educational agency to confirm each 12th-grade pupil’s completion and submission of a FAFSA or CADAA unless the pupil is determined to be exempt or an opt-out form is completed by a pupil who is a legally emancipated minor, a pupil who is 18 years or older, a legal guardian, or parent, or a local educational agency on a pupil’s behalf. This opt-out form permits a pupil to opt out of the completion of a FAFSA or CADAA form. 

Submitting a Financial Aid Application Opt-Out Form does not prohibit a pupil from completing and submitting a financial aid application at any time in the future.

To opt a pupil out of the Financial Aid Application requirement, please complete this form and return it to Mrs. Thomas, The College & Career Counselor.

English OPT OUT Form                              Spanish OPT OUT Form