California Scholarship Federation (CSF)
What is CSF?
California Scholarship Federation is a statewide organization that recognizes students for their high academic achievements. Students who are members for at least four consecutive semesters, with at least one of those semesters occurring their senior year, are considered CSF Seal Bearers and receive special recognition at their graduation ceremony. This recognition includes the wearing of an honor stole, the Seal Bearer Membership Lamp Pin, and a notation on the graduation program as to their CSF Seal Bearer status. A seal will also be placed on their diploma. A notation of CSF standing is included on official transcripts and sent to prospective colleges.
Who Can Apply?
All scholarly students should apply. Counselors will verify that the student qualifies and the student will be notified. Students can apply by submitting the CSF Google form below. Freshmen may join after completing their 1st semester.
Please note, applicants can only access the form using their PJUSD account.
Fall CSF Application
Spring CSF Application
The two week application window for the 23-24 School Year is listed below;
Fall: August 16, 2024-August 30, 2024 by 11:59pm.
Spring: January 17, 2025-January 31, 2025 by 11:59pm
Contact Mrs. Thomas the College & Career Counselor with any questions.